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Our Library Needs Your Help!
HELP! GFJ needs your help. We’ve been busy since June collecting signatures needed to place a library funding proposition on the ballot in the Town of Union this November to increase funding for the Endicott & Johnson City libraries. We need about 1,000 more signatures by the end of August. About 90% of the funding…
Special Board Meeting
There will be a special meeting of the library trustees on Wednesday, June 8 from 7 till 8:45 P.M. in the Scott (basement) Meeting Room. The trustees will be interviewing applicants for several vacant seats.
College Funding Seminar
Cutting Your College Costs Monday, February 20 George F. Johnson Memorial Library 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm College is expensive, but knowledge is power! With that in mind, it is critical for parents to be informed about the many ways to reduce the expense of higher education, especially loan debt, while at the…
iPad Tips & Tricks
On Tuesday June 18 from 5pm- 7pm the PCC is happy to host a special workshop on iPad tips and tricks. Are you interested in extending the usefulness of your iPad? Bring it to this hands-on workshop, and learn 30 useful tips and tricks. Included will be tips for customizing your settings, using shortcuts and working…
Open Columbus Day
Yes, GFJ will be open on Columbus Day! Stop by, pat our Columbus bust on the head for good luck, and find your next great read!
Identity Theft Program
Cindy Rounds from Wealth By Design Financial will present a program titled “Be Aware – Share With Care” at GFJ on Wednesday, May 1 at 3:30. Idendity theft is a real problem in our connected socity. Learn how to protect yourself at this free program. For more information or to RSVP please call 607-239-6033.