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Construction Has Begun
Renovation work has begun on the library restrooms and upstairs meeting room. The front entrance will be periodically unavailable. Please use the rear entrance as necessary.
Introducing Flipster!
The Four County Library System and its member libraries would like to welcome Flipster to our Research Center lineup. Flipster is your one-stop-shop for Digital Magazines. It allows you to browse the latest or back issues of our most popular magazines and download them to either your computer or tablet. Flipster is easy to use,…
Teen Fun Nights begin!
Hey Teens! Join us tonight in the downstairs meeting room, from 6-8, for a fun night of board games, cards and great conversations! Bring your friends, bring a favorite game or use one of ours. Snacks will be provided. See you at 6!
Quilt Raffle
GFJ is crazy with quilts again this summer. Quilter Carol Bunnell has donated her latest creation Baltimore Fantasy” (pictured) to this year’s quilt raffle. Tickets are a dollar each of 6 for 5. The drawing will be held September 11, with proceeds going to support GFJ’s youth services. Many other quilts are also on display…
Gates Foundation, IMLS Research Proves Value of Online Access at Libraries
The report reaffirms that library technology services have created opportunity for millions of Americans.
i3 Permit Document Library
GFJ maintains a library of documents related to the i3 Electronics Wastewater Treatment Plant on the Huron Campus in Endicott. Electronic copies may be read below. We also maintain paper copies that may be read at our library, 1001 Park Street in Endicott. Industrial SPDES Permit Fact Sheet State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Discharge Permit Notice…