Teen Graphic Novel Book Club

Join us to eat delicious snacks and discuss a different graphic novel with friends every two weeks throughout the school year! We’ll initially explore a variety of different cultures through non-fiction graphic novels written by own-voices authors; after that, we’ll delve into the world of manga. Meetings will take place every other Wednesday from 5 to 6 pm starting October 9th and ending May 7th. For grades 7-12. Register at https://gfjlibrary.libcal.com/event/13155780.

Teen Book Boxes

We’re completing our fall book boxes. Check back soon for the next round!

Register for a personalized book box, complete with 2 library books and free swag! Our YA librarian will use the form to handpick two library books to meet your reading interests, and you’ll get a variety of themed swag to keep!


Contact Heidi, the teen librarian at en.heidi@4cls.org.