Tax Form Newsflash
DUE TO I.R.S. CUTBACKS THE ONLY FEDERAL FORMS WE WILL DISTRIBUTE THIS YEAR ARE: 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ – FORMS ONLY – NO INSTRUCTION BOOKLETS! You may order instruction booklets by calling: 1-800-829-3676
DUE TO I.R.S. CUTBACKS THE ONLY FEDERAL FORMS WE WILL DISTRIBUTE THIS YEAR ARE: 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ – FORMS ONLY – NO INSTRUCTION BOOKLETS! You may order instruction booklets by calling: 1-800-829-3676
Our library is looking to fill a vacancy on its Board of Trustees. The term of office runs through December 2018. Meetings are usually held on the third Thursday of each month (excluding August) at 7 PM. This is a volunteer position. Applicants must be residents of the Town of Union, which includes the villages…
March 16 is GFJ’s 100th Birthday! Stop-by for a slice of birthday cake and help us celebrate. Historian Tim Main will offer his two-part slide-show history of our library on March 24 and March 31 at 7 P.M. in our Scott basement meeting room. More cake!
All free and on Tuesday evenings. Refreshments will be served at 7 P.M. and the reviews will start at 7:30. Everyone is welcome! April 3: “The Terminal diner” by Mary Pat Hyland, reviewed by the author. A story set in a diner in Binghamton looks at September 11th’s influence on people far from the scene….
Studies have proved that learning a second language improves brain function and can slow the onset of dementia. Bilingual people benefit from these effects no matter at what age they learn a second language. GFJ offers Mango Languages, a free online language-learning suite with over sixty languages, including a free phone app. And it’s fun!…
GFJ needs your help! Along with the Your Home Public Library (Johnson City) we have not received an increase in funding since 2008. We hope to place a proposition on this November’s ballot seeking an increase designed to fund the libraries for another four years. But first we need to collect some 2,000 petition signatures. …
Health Insurance at GFJ: One final session on Monday, March 31 from 9 AM till 4 PM for anyone wanting to do a last-minute enrollment in health insurance before penalties kick in (or before you get sick and need it!). Registration is required. To register call The Mothers and Babies Perinatal Network at 772-0517.