Take Advantage of Library Databases
GFJ has many free online databases – have you tried them?
GFJ has many free online databases – have you tried them?
Courtesy of The Library Hotel
The George F. Johnson Memorial Library (Endicott NY) is one of 30 libraries in New York State to receive $244,517 in funding to create a Public Computing Center in the library. This award is provided as part of a grant awarded to the New York State Library through the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA)…
March 16 is GFJ’s 100th Birthday! Stop-by for a slice of birthday cake and help us celebrate. Historian Tim Main will offer his two-part slide-show history of our library on March 24 and March 31 at 7 P.M. in our Scott basement meeting room. More cake!
The New York State Comptroller’s Office has recently completed a financial audit of our library. The audit complimented the library’s financial management: http://www.pressconnects.com/story/news/local/2016/08/08/auditors-gfj-library-watched-cut-expenses/88408320/ Read the full audit here: https://www.gfjlibrary.org/Audit%202016%20Library.pdf
GFJ is crazy with quilts again this summer. Quilter Carol Bunnell has donated her latest creation Baltimore Fantasy” (pictured) to this year’s quilt raffle. Tickets are a dollar each of 6 for 5. The drawing will be held September 11, with proceeds going to support GFJ’s youth services. Many other quilts are also on display…
Please note our hours for this holiday season. We will be closing at 5:00pm on Wednesday, November 23 and will remain closed on Thursday, November 24. We will be closed on Saturday, December 24 and Monday, December 26. We will be closed on Monday, January 2. Winter story time registration will not begin until Tuesday,…