Stolen Library Books Caused the Civil War
Stealing library books can lead to big trouble…
Stealing library books can lead to big trouble…
The Boards of the George F. Johnson Memorial (Endicott) and Your Home Public (Johnson City) libraries will hold a special joint meeting at the Your Home Public Library, Johnson City, N.Y. this evening at 6:30 P.M.
In preparation for the installation of new carpeting in the children’s room, access will be limited beginning Monday, April 20th. Beginning on Monday, April 27th, there will be no access to the children’s room. Please note that story times and book clubs will take place as scheduled. Please continue to check here for updates. We…
Despite a miserable economy, the March 15, 2010 issue of Library Journal reports that 84% of library funding referenda passed in 2009. For New York State, the figure was 100%.
Today’s Friends of the Library book sale will be closing at noon. The next sale is on Saturday, October 10. We apologize for any inconvenience.
GFJ’s Digital Archives has been extended to include The Endicott Daily Bulletin newspaper through June 1940. This extends our newspaper coverage from as early as 1855, in searchable format. Access them via the link on our home page.
On Tuesday June 18 from 5pm- 7pm the PCC is happy to host a special workshop on iPad tips and tricks. Are you interested in extending the usefulness of your iPad? Bring it to this hands-on workshop, and learn 30 useful tips and tricks. Included will be tips for customizing your settings, using shortcuts and working…