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Tax Form Newsflash
DUE TO I.R.S. CUTBACKS THE ONLY FEDERAL FORMS WE WILL DISTRIBUTE THIS YEAR ARE: 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ – FORMS ONLY – NO INSTRUCTION BOOKLETS! You may order instruction booklets by calling: 1-800-829-3676
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes with Tim Main
Local historian Tim Main will return to GFJ on Tuesday May 9 at 7 PM to present his program “Smoke Gets In Your Eyes.” It’s a scorching review of fires which traumatized the old Village of Union in years past. If you love history be sure not to miss this fun-filled hour of narrative photos….
Take the library with you, wherever you go! With BookMyne you can search the catalog, check your account, place a hold, read book reviews, and more! Click here to visit our BookMyne page for more info!
GFJ Online!
The GFJ Library is now on Facebook and Twitter! Become our Facebook fan or follow GFJLibrary on Twitter to receive updates on all of our news and events. You can also sign up to receive our monthly Curious George F. Newsletter or find out about the latest titles with E-Newsletters in your inbox!
Chalk Art Extravaganza!
Chalk artists: we have had sunny skies over the library all afternoon so the Chalk Art Extravaganza will happen as scheduled tonight at 6 pm! Hope you can join us!
GFJ Needs Your Help!
GFJ needs your help! Along with the Your Home Public Library (Johnson City) we have not received an increase in funding since 2008. We hope to place a proposition on this November’s ballot seeking an increase designed to fund the libraries for another four years. But first we need to collect some 2,000 petition signatures. …