Pew Research study on how parents feel about libraries
View the new Pew Research Center’s report on the importance parents place on libraries (Hint: A lot!):
View the new Pew Research Center’s report on the importance parents place on libraries (Hint: A lot!):
Get ready for the new baseball season & brush-up your library skills by Stepping Up to the Plate @ Your Library. Step Up to the Plate @ your library encourages people of all ages to use the print and electronic resources available at their library to answer a series of trivia questions designed for…
Every day 300,000 Americans get job-seeking help at their public library. There are more Wi-Fi hotspots at public libraries (12,000) than at Barnes & Noble and Borders book stores combined. Every month 2.8 million business owners and employees use resources at public libraries to support their small businesses. Every day Americans borrow 2.1 million DVD’s…
There are still a few openings in our fall story time session which begins next week. We have just the right program for your child, birth through age 5! Register online on our Kidzone page or give us a call. We hope to see you soon!
StarWalk Kids is offering their Summer PopUp Library of eBooks FREE for the month of July! Click here to visit the site and experience over 500 free eBooks for kids!
Try these free services: NoveList: A reader’s Advisory service available in Our Research Center (click the “Online Databases Here” icon on our web page and the “Literature” link after typing your library card number) Reader’s Advisor Online has just switched from a fee to a free database: Subscribe to any of the free “Bookletters”…