Gifts That Keep Giving

A gift to the public library is an ideal way to benefit your community. Library materials will educate, entertain, and brighten the lives of people for years to come. Gifts can take many forms and can come in any size – all are welcome and all are greatly appreciated, and in many cases are tax-deductible.
Gifts can include checks made out to either “George F. Johnson Memorial Library” or “The Friends of the George F. Johnson Memorial Library.” Your gift may also be eligible for a matching grant by your employer. Gifts can be in memory of a loved one, and designations can be made to purchase certain kinds of materials (books, DVD’s, audio books, magazine subscriptions, etc.) or certain subject matter (children’s books, hobbies, etc.). Memorial book plates can be placed in these items at the donor’s discretion.
Gifts may also include securities, real estate, tangible personal property, and deferred gifts including bequests made through a will or charitable trust. For more information consult your attorney or contact Library Director, Seth Jacobus at (607) 757-5350 or
Another option is an engraved leaf on our giving tree. View our giving tree brochure to learn more.