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Quilt Raffle is On!
This year’s raffle quilt is on display: “French Romance” by quilt artists Carol Bunnell and Sandy Minehan. Tickets are a dollar apiece or six for five dollars and proceeds go to support children’s programs here at GFJ. The drawing will be held September 11. Other quilts, some for sale, will be on display soon.
Job Openings Announced
The George F. Johnson Memorial Library announces the following positions. These are temporary (18-month) professional and para-professional appointments in our Public Computing Center. The PCC is scheduled to open this fall, with funding from a federal government American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Broadband Technology Opportunity Program (BTOP) award. Public Computing Center Director (Librarian…
Summer PopUp Library!
StarWalk Kids Media has announced that it will make all 500 eBooks in its collection available free of charge for anyone with Internet access—children, families and educators—during the entire month of July. NO Passwords • NO logins. Kids can just start reading by visiting between July 1 and July 31.
September Board Meeting
The library’s September board meeting will be held on Thursday, September 15th at 7:00pm. It has postponed because of the storm. Thank you for your patience!
Money Smart Week @ the GFJ Library
Money Smart Week® is a public awareness campaign designed to help consumers better manage their personal finances. Organizations come together once a year to stress the importance of financial literacy, inform consumers about where they can get help and provide free educational seminars and activities throughout the week. Programming is offered to all demographics and…
Restroom Renovations
Main floor restrooms will be undergoing renovation and unavailable from December 13 until well into January. A unisex restroom will be available on the second floor. Facilities are also available at the Municipal and Police buildings, across the street from the library. Access to the adult audiovisual collection will also be limited during the week…