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May 2015 Board of Trustees Meeting
The May meeting of the Library Board of Trustees has been rescheduled from May 14 to May 7, at 7 PM.
Shop on Amazon and benefit your library!
The Four County Library System will receive 4% back on everything you buy at Amazon if you go through the link below (or if you hit the “Buy Now” button in our new online library catalog). Any funds generated will be used to defray the automation costs of area libraries, including GFJ!
Survey reports 1/3 of Americans use library computers
A national survery funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation reports that one-third of Americans (77 million) used public library computers to access the Internet in the last year. 40% received help with employment needs, 37% with health issues, and 42% with educational needs . The stats…
Emergency Closing
The library will remain closed today due to local flooding.
Gates Foundation, IMLS Research Proves Value of Online Access at Libraries
The report reaffirms that library technology services have created opportunity for millions of Americans.
Credit Card Payment of Fines
As of December 1, 2014 you can pay your library fines with a credit card, using your online account (credit card payments cannot be accepted at the library’s Circulation Desk). Please see our flier explain the process.