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Library Quilt Raffle
The 14th annual Library Quilt Raffle is under way. This year’s raffle quilt, titled “Redwork Sue” is once again crafted by local artist Carol Bunnell. The quilt is on display at the library, with tickets available at the Information Desk. The drawing will be September 11, with proceeds benefitting the library’s children’s services.
As part of our ongoing advocacy efforts, and in advance of our March 5th Library Advocacy Day visit to Albany, it would be very helpful for library users to take action in support of full funding for libraries. Go to and click the red, white and blue “Become a Library Advocate” button at the bottom of…
i3 Permit Document Library
GFJ maintains a library of documents related to the i3 Electronics Wastewater Treatment Plant on the Huron Campus in Endicott. Electronic copies may be read below. We also maintain paper copies that may be read at our library, 1001 Park Street in Endicott. Industrial SPDES Permit Fact Sheet State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Discharge Permit Notice…
Digital Archives Expansion
We’ve just added the Endicott Daily Bulletin newspaper years 1947-1951 to our Digital Archives. Our local newspaper coverage now includes years 1856-1951, along with the fantastic Endicott-Johnson Workers Review magazine and other E-J and U-E publications. It’s a portal in time – Enter the Time Machine!
Digital Photography Class
The Two Rivers Photography Club will be returning to the PCC with two classes on digital photography! On May 22 and May 23, from 6pm- 8pm, join us for workshops on using point and shoot type digital cameras. Participants will need to bring their own cameras and manuals, and to make sure all batteries are…
Governor Cuomo Proposes Cut in Library Funding
Governor Cuomo has proposed $81.6M in Library Aid, which removes the additional $4M provided by the Legislature in the 2013-14 Budget ($85.6M). This represents a 4.7% cut in Library Aid! TAKE ACTION NOW! … The Executive Budget is not yet finalized – the Governor can restore this funding by amending his budget by February…