Introducing Playaways!
The Playaways are here!
Watch this video to learn how to use the latest all-in-one audiobook available to check out at GFJ!
The Playaways are here!
Watch this video to learn how to use the latest all-in-one audiobook available to check out at GFJ!
Don’t forget to join us this Monday, June 28, from 5-8 pm for the Splish Splash Reading Bash! Join us on the library lawn for games, crafts, activities, music by Johnny Only, art by Eric Maruscak, and more. Kids can also sign up for the summer reading clubs to win prizes for reading books! In…
Celebrate at the GFJ with board games, Wii games, and more! Help us compete with other libraries all over the country with Mario Kart Time Trials and enjoy snacks and prizes. Saturday, November 3rd from 2:00 to 4:00pm No registration is required. Bring a friend and join in the fun!
The PCC is happy to welcome back the Two Rivers Photography Club! On Monday October 22 and 29 they will be leading a workshop on editing digital photos from 9:30- 11:30am. Seating is limited, so please do register ahead for this special opportunity. Stop by the PCC or call (607) 757-5359 to register.
Jane Yolen, author of over 300 popular children’s books, will visit Binghamton on Tuesday, May 11, 2010. Sponsored by the Binghamton Area Reading Council, the agenda includes registration & cash bar (5-6 PM); Buffet dinner (6-7 PM); Presentation titled “Poetry for Children and the Three Rs: Reveal, Revision, and Reinvention” (7-8 PM); and door prizes…
Governor Cuomo has proposed $81.6M in Library Aid, which removes the additional $4M provided by the Legislature in the 2013-14 Budget ($85.6M). This represents a 4.7% cut in Library Aid! TAKE ACTION NOW! … The Executive Budget is not yet finalized – the Governor can restore this funding by amending his budget by February…
The Mothers and Babies Perinatal Network will host a presentation on the NY State of Health Marketplace and Navigator program on Tuesday, February 11 at 5:00 PM at our library. This is a chance for uninsured individuals under the age of 65 to learn more about the new health insurance options available through the Marketplace. …