Take the library with you, wherever you go!With BookMyne you can search the catalog, check your account, place a hold, read book reviews, and more! Click here to visit our BookMyne page for more info! |
Take the library with you, wherever you go!With BookMyne you can search the catalog, check your account, place a hold, read book reviews, and more! Click here to visit our BookMyne page for more info! |
The report reaffirms that library technology services have created opportunity for millions of Americans.
Meet Olivia! Friday, May 4 at 10:00am or Saturday, May 5 at 11:00am Celebrate Children’s Book Week with our Olivia story time! Visit the library for Ian Falconer’s stories, songs, a craft, and meet Olivia! No registration is required.
Shine the spotlight of truth on those rants about the public library being dead!
Patrons with a GFJ Library card now have access to the incredible resources of Rocket Languages. Learn Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portugese, Sign Language, and Spanish with these comprehensive language courses. Click on the Rocket Languages image above or on the right for access to this great resource!
NPR will broadcast a show on George F. Johnson today (December 1) at 5 P.M. The broadcast will be archived on NPR at
View the new Pew Research Center’s report on the importance parents place on libraries (Hint: A lot!):