Take the library with you, wherever you go!With BookMyne you can search the catalog, check your account, place a hold, read book reviews, and more! Click here to visit our BookMyne page for more info! |
Take the library with you, wherever you go!With BookMyne you can search the catalog, check your account, place a hold, read book reviews, and more! Click here to visit our BookMyne page for more info! |
We’ve just added the Endicott Daily Bulletin newspaper years 1947-1951 to our Digital Archives. Our local newspaper coverage now includes years 1856-1951, along with the fantastic Endicott-Johnson Workers Review magazine and other E-J and U-E publications. It’s a portal in time – Enter the Time Machine!
The George F. Johnson Memorial Library (Endicott NY) is one of 30 libraries in New York State to receive $244,517 in funding to create a Public Computing Center in the library. This award is provided as part of a grant awarded to the New York State Library through the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA)…
Please note our hours for this holiday season. We will be closing at 5:00pm on Wednesday, November 23 and will remain closed on Thursday, November 24. We will be closed on Saturday, December 24 and Monday, December 26. We will be closed on Monday, January 2. Winter story time registration will not begin until Tuesday,…
NPR ran a story last week on the future of libraries in the e-book age