Holiday Hours
GFJ will be closed all day Christmas Eve & Christmas Day (Dec. 24 and 25) and all day New Year’s Day (Jan. 1).
GFJ will be closed all day Christmas Eve & Christmas Day (Dec. 24 and 25) and all day New Year’s Day (Jan. 1).
StarWalk Kids is offering their Summer PopUp Library of eBooks FREE for the month of July! Click here to visit the site and experience over 500 free eBooks for kids!
Holiday shopping is a great way to support your library! Use the “Buy It Now” button above to access the Amazon website and the library will receive a percentage of all your purchases with no added cost to you.
Did you see the article in Saturday’s Press & Sun Bulletin about our Tech Center? Don’t worry if you missed it. You can still check it out by clicking here.
StarWalk Kids Media has announced that it will make all 500 eBooks in its collection available free of charge for anyone with Internet access—children, families and educators—during the entire month of July. NO Passwords • NO logins. Kids can just start reading by visiting between July 1 and July 31.
After reading the Oct. 14 guest editorial in the Press & Sun Bulletin arguing that libraries are over-funded, would anyone like to send a comment on how you feel about GFJ to the Press?
The new children’s room carpet has been installed! We are working to get everything back into place. The children’s room will reopen tomorrow, Thursday 4/30 at 9:00 AM. Access to some portions of the collection will still be limited. We appreciate your continued patience as we complete this project!