GFJ Tech Center featured in Press & Sun Bulletin
Did you see the article in Saturday’s Press & Sun Bulletin about our Tech Center? Don’t worry if you missed it. You can still check it out by clicking here. |
Did you see the article in Saturday’s Press & Sun Bulletin about our Tech Center? Don’t worry if you missed it. You can still check it out by clicking here. |
Is Social Security on your horizon? Deciding when and how to file can be a puzzling decision. A mistake could potentially cost you thousands. A representative from First Investors will present a “Savvy Social Security Planning” workshop at GFJ on Wednesday, July 29 at 7 PM. Join us in our Scott (basement) meeting room for…
As Congress debates dropping funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and eliminating the National Endowment for the Humanities, author Scott Turow decries nationwide cuts in liabrary funding
The May 6 Book Sale will feature special pricing of ten cents on all books!
Have you been a victim of a crime? The Center for Human Services Research at SUNY Albany has asked libraries to help publicize a survey it is conducting for crime victims. Respondents will be entered in a lottery with a chance to win a $150 gift card. The online survey is available at: A…
Due to the holiday the July 5 book sale has been cancelled. The library will be open that day. The next book sale is Friday, July 19. Please note we are not open Saturdays for the summer until September 7.
The American Library Association has released its annual report on America’s libraries.