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Shop on Amazon and benefit your library!
The Four County Library System will receive 4% back on everything you buy at Amazon if you go through the link below (or if you hit the “Buy Now” button in our new online library catalog). Any funds generated will be used to defray the automation costs of area libraries, including GFJ!
United Way Community Conversations
United Way & GFJ will host two Community Conversations to give residents an opportunity to share thoughts on our area and your hopes for your family. What kind of community do you want to live in? This is your opportunity to be heard. Sessions will be held in our Scott (basement) Meeting Room on Tuesday,…
Guest Editorial Argues Against Library Funding
After reading the Oct. 14 guest editorial in the Press & Sun Bulletin arguing that libraries are over-funded, would anyone like to send a comment on how you feel about GFJ to the Press?
Job Openings Announced
The George F. Johnson Memorial Library announces the following positions. These are temporary (18-month) professional and para-professional appointments in our Public Computing Center. The PCC is scheduled to open this fall, with funding from a federal government American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Broadband Technology Opportunity Program (BTOP) award. Public Computing Center Director (Librarian…
Holiday Closing
The GFJ Library will be closing at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, December 31st and closed on Wednesday, January 1st. Happy Holidays to you and your family!
Library Funding News
Check out our new “Library Funding News” page for the latest information on library funding, petition carrying, and the November 2014 vote.