Fun Foreign Language Learning!
Have you tried Mango, GFJ’s online foreign language learning suite? Here’s a brief introduction video. Click the Mango icon on our web site ( to begin (requires a GFJ-issued library card).
Have you tried Mango, GFJ’s online foreign language learning suite? Here’s a brief introduction video. Click the Mango icon on our web site ( to begin (requires a GFJ-issued library card).
The GFJ Library will be closing at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, December 31st and closed on Wednesday, January 1st. Happy Holidays to you and your family!
No foolin’: GFJ’s own Sara-Jo Sites has three, count ’em, three book reviews published in the April 1, 2013 issue of School Library Journal, with our library name below hers on the byline. SLJ is a major library publication and widely read by the national library community; featuring professional articles as well as reviews libraries…
Are you ready for summer reading? We are! Check out the Kid Zone for info on all of our great summer programs.
HELP! GFJ needs your help. We’ve been busy since June collecting signatures needed to place a library funding proposition on the ballot in the Town of Union this November to increase funding for the Endicott & Johnson City libraries. We need about 1,000 more signatures by the end of August. About 90% of the funding…
Health Insurance at GFJ: One final session on Monday, March 31 from 9 AM till 4 PM for anyone wanting to do a last-minute enrollment in health insurance before penalties kick in (or before you get sick and need it!). Registration is required. To register call The Mothers and Babies Perinatal Network at 772-0517.
Join the fun this summer and enter to win a gift basket filled with “Literary Elements”. For every five books read, fill out a reading log and drop in the box in the adult area of the library. Winners will be drawn the week of August 4. Pick up your summer reading packets at the…