Fracking Article in May 2011 Discover Magazine
The May 2011 issue of Discover magazine has a feature article on fracking for natural gas. The issue is available at our library.
The May 2011 issue of Discover magazine has a feature article on fracking for natural gas. The issue is available at our library.
An interesting article from the NY Times comparing the ecological impact of books vs. e-readers. Their conclusion?: Borrow a book from your library!
A local navigator from Mothers & Babies Perinatal Network will be on site to help people sign-up for health insurance under the New York State of Health program ( on Wednesdays from 9 AM till 4 PM, November 5, 2014 – February 25, 2015. Please call them at 772-0517 to make an appointment.
The New Yorker’s for Better Libraries Political Action Committee has released its 2010 Voter’s Guide. The Guide scores New York State legislators based on how strongly they voted in support of library-friendly legislation. While you’re at their site consider a donation and subscribe to their online newsletter. Strong libraries don’t just happen!
Hey Teens! Join us tonight in the downstairs meeting room, from 6-8, for a fun night of board games, cards and great conversations! Bring your friends, bring a favorite game or use one of ours. Snacks will be provided. See you at 6!
Is Social Security on your horizon? Deciding when and how to file can be a puzzling decision. A mistake could potentially cost you thousands. A representative from First Investors will present a “Savvy Social Security Planning” workshop at GFJ on Wednesday, July 29 at 7 PM. Join us in our Scott (basement) meeting room for…
New York State’s Regents Advisory Council on Libraries (RAC) is asking New Yorkers what library services they will need in their local communities by 2020. Click on the image to take a short survey and share your 2020 vision for libraries!
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Excellent non-bias article.
Natural Gas is a Stop-Gap temporary solution, although from your analysis it appears that it is dirtier than Coal if you consider all the costs.
Natural gas Hydrogen Fuel Cells offer a much cleaner solution to the burning of this fuel
Yes we have the resorces to escape from oil through, do we have the political will to do this before our country goes the way of England, Spain, Portugal and the Roman Empire is the question.