Emergency Closing
The library will remain closed today due to local flooding.
The library will remain closed today due to local flooding.
Hey Teens! Join us tonight in the downstairs meeting room, from 6-8, for a fun night of board games, cards and great conversations! Bring your friends, bring a favorite game or use one of ours. Snacks will be provided. See you at 6!
Studies have proved that learning a second language improves brain function and can slow the onset of dementia. Bilingual people benefit from these effects no matter at what age they learn a second language. GFJ offers Mango Languages, a free online language-learning suite with over sixty languages, including a free phone app. And it’s fun!…
The library now has most federal and state tax forms in our front lobby. Stop by to pick some up or visit these websites to print your own. Internal Revenue Service (http://www.irs.gov) New York State Department of Taxation (http://www.tax.state.ny.us/forms)
Local historian Tim Main will return to GFJ on Tuesday May 9 at 7 PM to present his program “Smoke Gets In Your Eyes.” It’s a scorching review of fires which traumatized the old Village of Union in years past. If you love history be sure not to miss this fun-filled hour of narrative photos….
The new children’s room carpet has been installed! We are working to get everything back into place. The children’s room will reopen tomorrow, Thursday 4/30 at 9:00 AM. Access to some portions of the collection will still be limited. We appreciate your continued patience as we complete this project!
The Library Trustees Association of New York State is featuring GFJ on their website. This comes after Merle Newberry was chosen as the winner of the Velma K. Moore Award. Check out this great feature and the accompanying photos at librarytrustees.org.