Construction Has Begun
Renovation work has begun on the library restrooms and upstairs meeting room. The front entrance will be periodically unavailable. Please use the rear entrance as necessary.
Renovation work has begun on the library restrooms and upstairs meeting room. The front entrance will be periodically unavailable. Please use the rear entrance as necessary.
Thank you for your continued patience as we prepare for carpet installation in the children’s room. We have begun to move books, and access to some materials is limited. If you are looking for a specific title, please call first to make sure it is available. Please note that on Saturday, 4/25, we will close…
Get ready for the new baseball season & brush-up your library skills by Stepping Up to the Plate @ Your Library. Step Up to the Plate @ your library encourages people of all ages to use the print and electronic resources available at their library to answer a series of trivia questions designed for…
Please remember that all children’s programs are cancelled in the event of the closing of Union Endicott schools.
Thank you to everyone who made our Public Computing Center Grand Opening a huge success! Click here to see pictures and learn more. Don’t forget to
In preparation for the installation of new carpeting in the children’s room, access will be limited beginning Monday, April 20th. Beginning on Monday, April 27th, there will be no access to the children’s room. Please note that story times and book clubs will take place as scheduled. Please continue to check here for updates. We…
Shine the spotlight of truth on those rants about the public library being dead!