Computer Downtime
Our public computers will be unavailable on Tuesday, April 12 due to a planned software upgrade
Our public computers will be unavailable on Tuesday, April 12 due to a planned software upgrade
Community Foundation for South Central New York – Broome Library Foundation’s Diane Brown and Laura Knochen-Davis present a $1250 award to GFJ Library Director, Ed Dunscombe and Village of Endicott Grantwriter Beth Putrino to digitize local newspapers from the 1930’s, as a part of GFJ’s Digital Archives Project.
The Four County Library System will receive 4% back on everything you buy at Amazon if you go through the link below (or if you hit the “Buy Now” button in our new online library catalog). Any funds generated will be used to defray the automation costs of area libraries, including GFJ!
As of December 1, 2014 you can pay your library fines with a credit card, using your online account (credit card payments cannot be accepted at the library’s Circulation Desk). Please see our flier explain the process.
NPR will broadcast a show on George F. Johnson today (December 1) at 5 P.M. The broadcast will be archived on NPR at
Did you see the article in Saturday’s Press & Sun Bulletin about our Tech Center? Don’t worry if you missed it. You can still check it out by clicking here.
There will be a special meeting of the GFJ Library Board of Trustees on Wednesday, January 11 at 6:30 PM to interview board candidates. The regular January 19 monthly meeting will begin at 6:30 instead of 7:00 in order to interview another candidate. The regular meeting on the 19th will follow immediately at 7 PM.