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Credit Card Payment of Fines
As of December 1, 2014 you can pay your library fines with a credit card, using your online account (credit card payments cannot be accepted at the library’s Circulation Desk). Please see our flier explain the process.
Roxy Visits
Longtime GFJ employee Jim “Par” Panella passed away suddenly this week. His buddy “Roxy”, a familiar face at the library, came by for a visit today. Roxy is now living with Jim’s sister-in-law. Everyone at GFJ deeply misses them both.
Tim Main Local History Program January 12
Historian Tim Main will present his “Bulwarks of Main Street” talk at GFJ on Tuesday, January 12 at 7 PM in our Scott (basement) Meeting Room. Tim bills this as “A fascinating trip through time to visit some of the Union District’s most beautiful and enduring homes.” His talks always come with lots of photos, insight and…
Planned Downtime
A planned software upgrade by the Four County Library System will affect area libraries, from Sunday, June 21 through Thursday, June 25. We regret any inconvenience. Sunday, June 21: The online catalog may be unavailable from 9:30 pm till 11:00 pm. Monday, June 22: The online catalog may be unavailable from 10:30 pm till 11:30…
Snapshot NY
What does a day look like at GFJ? On Tuesday, 2/19 we kept track for SNAPSHOTNY: A Day in the Life of a Library. Here’s what we found: 676 people visited the library 130 people used our public computers 68 reference questions were answered by our staff 43 children participated in library programs 55 adults…
September Board Meeting
The library’s September board meeting will be held on Thursday, September 15th at 7:00pm. It has postponed because of the storm. Thank you for your patience!