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GFJ’s 100th Birthday!
March 16 is GFJ’s 100th Birthday! Stop-by for a slice of birthday cake and help us celebrate. Historian Tim Main will offer his two-part slide-show history of our library on March 24 and March 31 at 7 P.M. in our Scott basement meeting room. More cake!
Roxy Visits
Longtime GFJ employee Jim “Par” Panella passed away suddenly this week. His buddy “Roxy”, a familiar face at the library, came by for a visit today. Roxy is now living with Jim’s sister-in-law. Everyone at GFJ deeply misses them both.
Children’s Librarian opening at Tompkins County Public Library (Ithaca)
The Tompkins County Public Library is seeking a full-time Librarian I for the Youth Services Department. Duties will include working with Youth Services staff on all aspects of collection development including the selection and management of children’s fiction, nonfiction, and young adult fiction, providing friendly and exceptional references services to children and parents, assisting patrons…
From GFJ’s Digital Archives: Human Cannonball Blasts Off in Endicott
From GFJ’s Digital Archives: “The Great Wilno” aka “The Human Cannonball” is fired from a cannon 250 feet into the air (and thankfully into his net) during the annual E-J Workers Labor Day celebrations. The event took place in front of an estimated 50,000 spectators at En-Joie Park (behind U-E High School) on Sept,. 2,…
New Yorkers for Better Libraries PAC Releases Voter’s Guide
The New Yorker’s for Better Libraries Political Action Committee has released its 2010 Voter’s Guide. The Guide scores New York State legislators based on how strongly they voted in support of library-friendly legislation. While you’re at their site consider a donation and subscribe to their online newsletter. Strong libraries don’t just happen!
Savvy Social Security Planning Workshop
Is Social Security on your horizon? Deciding when and how to file can be a puzzling decision. A mistake could potentially cost you thousands. A representative from First Investors will present a “Savvy Social Security Planning” workshop at GFJ on Wednesday, July 29 at 7 PM. Join us in our Scott (basement) meeting room for…