Author Scott Turow on Cuts in Library Funding
As Congress debates dropping funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and eliminating the National Endowment for the Humanities, author Scott Turow decries nationwide cuts in liabrary funding
As Congress debates dropping funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and eliminating the National Endowment for the Humanities, author Scott Turow decries nationwide cuts in liabrary funding
Studies have proved that learning a second language improves brain function and can slow the onset of dementia. Bilingual people benefit from these effects no matter at what age they learn a second language. GFJ offers Mango Languages, a free online language-learning suite with over sixty languages, including a free phone app. And it’s fun!…
Join former Village of Endicott Historian Tim Main for a two-part presentation on the “History of Endicott’s Public Libraries.” Part 1: Tuesday, October. 14, 7-8:30 and Part 2: Tuesday October 28, 7-8:30 in the Scott Meeting Room. Endicott’s first public library opened March 15, 1915 with the support of its namesake George F. Johnson. With…
A research brief on the importance of summer reading and public library summer reading programs
The library’s September board meeting will be held on Thursday, September 15th at 7:00pm. It has postponed because of the storm. Thank you for your patience!
Try these free services: NoveList: A reader’s Advisory service available in Our Research Center (click the “Online Databases Here” icon on our web page and the “Literature” link after typing your library card number) Reader’s Advisor Online has just switched from a fee to a free database: Subscribe to any of the free “Bookletters”…
Don’t miss tomorrow’s Hockey Storytime! Thursday, December 29 from 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Come to our hockey storytime and meet Max from the Binghamton Senators! No registration is required.